
Showing posts from February, 2012
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Surgeon General praises benefits of breast feeding; recognizes challenges it presents to new moms

America's chief doctor called on Americans to support breast-feeding on Thursday and outlined guidelines for mothers and communities to support that most na…

Dentist Louis Siegelman calms patients, encourages regular checkups with gentle approach, support

Three words that strike terror when they come from a dentist's mouth. Julie Cunningham, CUNY Graduate Center's chief librarian, knew the dreaded feeling…

Men faking orgasm: 16% of men don't experience pleasure from orgasm

For nearly a fifth of men, sex is just terrible. About 16% of men are able to ejaculate but feel none of the pleasure of orgasm, according to research presented at the European Society for Sexual Medicine. In fact, when it comes to sexual dysfunction, it's not the erection or the ejaculation th…

Bath salts ban; Sen. Charles Schumer moves to ban drug sold under bath salts guise

Two drugs that produce a "meth-like" high and are being sold under the guise of "bath salts" would be banned as federally controlled substan…

Nealy 26 million Americans have diabetes: CDC

U.S. health officials have raised their estimate of how many Americans have diabetes to nearly 26 million or 8.3 percent of the population. The Centers for Dise…

Medical clowns may boost IVF treatment success; Laughing may lower stress, raise implantation rate

Women who have tried everything to get pregnant may have one more option: A medical clown. Seriously. A study of 229 Israeli women undergoing in-vitro fertiliza…

Does at-home drug rehab work? Charlie Sheen reportedly receiving help at his Los Angeles home

Charlie Sheen is reportedly undergoing another round of rehabilitation to cope with his drug addiction - only this time, he's getting the help delivered to his home. The star of the CBS comedy hit "Two and a Half Men" will reportedly receive visits to his Los Angeles home from "a…

NYC sugar scare ad shows diabetic's decaying toes; TV commercial warns sugary soda leads to diabetes

Sugar is the new scourge of the city, the Health Department is warning. The city cut a grisly new TV commercial warning of the health risks of sugary soft drink…