
Showing posts from January, 2012
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'Naked Fitness' author boasts shedding pounds is as easy as 'stripping' away excuses for exercise

Trainer and nutrition expert Andrea Metcalf won't make you strip off your spandex to shed pounds — she'll adjust your negative attitude. "The book …

Jenny McCarthy still isn't convinced.

The actress still firmly believes that vaccines are to blame for development of autism in children, despite last week's British Medical Journal article abou…

Black and Latino seniors less likely to get flu shots than whites, study shows

Black and Latino seniors are less likely than whites to get the flu shot - even though they're at higher risk for chronic diseases that make the vaccine cru…

Avoiding the flu; Influenza is easily contracted but also highly preventable

As director of the Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Adolfo García-Sastre conducts research on the influenza virus, including ways to produce better vaccines and antivirals. He has been working on influenza for 25 years. Who's at risk For most Americans…

No diet is one-size-fits-all, only way to target fat is by liposuction

Calorie counters looking to turn the tables on weight gain have just two days left to phone the free Daily News Diet Hotline. Our diet and fitness experts are taking a bite out of the Big Apple's obesity epidemic, one call at a time. "People are suffering from information overload," s…

Living with Crohn's disease is easier thanks to treatment breakthroughs

As chairman of the Department of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Mark Babyatsky is a gastroenterologist who has specialized in inflammatory bowel diseases since 1984. Seventy-five percent of his patients have Crohn's ­disease. Who's at risk "Crohn's disease is an inflammation…

Former vice president Dick Cheney now has no pulse; Heart pump like artificial heart

He no longer has a pulse, but Dick Cheney has a mechanical heart pump – and a chance for a normal life. The 69-year-old former vice president is back in action,…

Girls who begin their period earlier are more likely to be depressed teens: study

The younger a girl is when she begins her monthly period, the more likely she is to struggle with depression later in her teen years, according to a study. British scientists studied a group of girls ages 10, 13 and 14 years old and examined the relationship between the early onset of menstruation …

Autism and vaccine link discredited; what parents should know now about vaccinating kids

It's safe for kids to get their shots. That's the take-away message from medical experts in the wake of a British Medical Journal article about a discredited study linking vaccines and autism. The study author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, hid the fact that some of the children he wrote about in h…

Scientists debunk dubious celebrity-endorsed health tips

Science campaigners laid bare some of the most dubious celebrity-endorsed health tips on Wednesday, rubbishing ideas such as reabsorbing sperm and wearing silic…

Addictions & Answers: Controlled drinking meds for alcoholics -- miracle drug or denial in a bottle?

BILL: Dave, you heard about this new drug, Nalmefene? Supposed to block brain signals that makes drinking feel good? The promise is…